Vancouver Island 2010
We planned this trip because the Lord showed us there was "blot on the face of the earth" that he wanted removed. He also showed us that the island is moving toward the mainland which results in earthquakes. Prayers for repentance would remove the fear of earthquakes.
We also were called to pray in Seattle and we added in a visit to Richard's cousin Steve who lives on the west side of Puget Sound.

Vancouver Island Prayer Locations
Though our target was Vancouver Island, we also visited Seattle and the Puget Sound area. Our prayer locations were:
- Alki Point, Seattle - the first landing place of Europeans
- Indianola WA - on Puget sound next to an Indian reservation
- Sequim Bay State Park - just off the Strait of Juan de Fuca
- East Sooke - Southeastern point of Vancouver Island
- Oceanside Church Nanaimo
- Petroglyph Provincial Park Nanaimo - Eastern point of Vancouver Island
- Port Hardy - Northwestern point of Vancouver Island
- Port Albierni - Central poing of Vancouver Island
- Tofino - Western point of Vancouver Island
We prayed for Seattle both at Alki Point and while on the ferry crossing Puget Sound. At Alki Point we added our repentance to those of many for the European grasping of Indian land.
Mt Ranier from Indianola
We stayed with my cousin Steve Wald in Indianola. They have a lovely home on the water next to the Port Madison Indian Reservation. From the southside if Indianola you can see Mt Ranier on a clear day.
Treasure Hunt - Lobster Mushrooms
We went shroom hunting with my cousin Steve and his wife Joan. Here is Joan showing off a few of the lobster mushrooms we found. After praying, we found 20 pounds of mushrooms, about $400 worth.
Darlene at East Sooke
The Lord told us to claim the island for our Lord and King Jesus Christ. We were to go to the southeast, east, northwest, west, and center points of the island. As we arrived at our first destination, East Sooke, we felt an earthquake. One of the purposes of our prayers was to slow down the movement of the tectonic plate that cause earthquakes and tsunamis in this region.
Nanaimo and nearby Gabriola Island have more rock etchings than any other locations in the world. They seem to represent sorcery and appeasement of deities that the ancient tribes believed to inhabit the waters. We prayed at Petroglyph Provincial Park but did not notice any great defilement here.
However, as we attended nearby Oceanside Church, we heard from the Lord that there is a coven of witches that rules over the cities of Vancouver Island from the mountains near each city. Indeed at the base of Mt Benson which overlooks Nanaimo is Witchcraft Lake. We prayed for the light to come over each of these witches.
George Ewald - Pastor of Port Hardy Christian Fellowship
When we traveled to the northwesternmost point of the island by road, we heard about a church experiencing revival, and then we were able to meet the pastor and see the church. It's Port Hard Christian Fellowship Church. They've acquired a motel, Providence Place Inn, which enables them to minister to the poor, homeless, drug addicted and even prostitutes. Furthermore, the Holy Spirit has broken out among them and for many months they held multiple revival meetings each week and experienced many healings and miracles. We were actually able to help spread the word about them around Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island Wilderness
We traveled through the center of Vancouver Island. At Port Albierni, we were able to pray at the site of a First Nations community. We also prayed along the lakes and streams of the interior of the island.
Tonquin Park Near Tofino
We prayed at the southern midpoint of the island near Tofino, at a place called Tonquin Park right on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.