Taiwan 2011
This trip was a deluxe combination! It originated when we felt the Lord wanted us to go with Randy Clark on a Global Awakening trip to Kaohsiung Taiwan where we would serve as part of a 60-person international ministry team. The conference also included Bill Johnson and Heidi Baker.
We tacked on a week to the beginning to pray around the island. We felt prayer would be very important for Taiwan. With a population of 23 million, but perhaps 5% Christian, even though Taiwan is "westernized" in some ways, the much less westernized mainland China actually has a much larger percentage (10-20%) who are Christian. Taiwanese people worship a combination of Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and ancestors.
By contacting the conference organizers, we were through the arrangement of the Holy Spirit able to find to young women to serve as our guides around the island - Yonnie Cheng and Patricia Chen. Yonnie is Heidi Baker's right-hand person leading Iris Asia, and Patricia runs an inner healing Bed & Breakfast on a mountain overlooking Taipei.
These two young women were excellent guides as they drove us around the northern parts of Taiwan. As we arrived right at beginning of Chinese New Year, there were crowds everywhere. After the conference was completed, we also were able to pray at locations around Kaohsiung which is in the southwest part of Taiwan.

Taiwan Prayer Locations
Our prayer guides helped us to pray in Taichung, Lugang, Guanyin, Yamingshan National Park, Fu-Chi, Danshui, and several locations in Kaohsiung. Our conference was in Kaohsiung.
Chinese New Year in Taichung
Our guides, Yonnie and Patricia, picked us up at the Taipei Taoyuan International Airport right at midnight after a 16 hour flight over the North Pole. They took us to Patricia's aunt's house in Taichung where we spent the night. The next day we were treated to the aunt's gourmet cooking, the first family meal of Chinese New Year. It was delicious.
Money altar in Lugang
Patricia drove us to the old city of Lugang, known for its many temples to different gods and goddesses. This is a picture of an altar for burning money for good fortune. Actually, you exchange money for paper script, which is burned at the altar. In turn, the gods and goddesses are supposed to provide good luck. This is a faint parody of what Christians do when they bring their offerings before God for the church and the poor, and we know that our God will provide for our needs. We prayed hear for the eyes of those spiritually blind to be opened.
Guanyin Taiwan coast
We prayed at this northwestern point on Taiwan's coast. All around here are fish farms, and wind farms with hundreds of windmills generating energy. There were also marks in the roads indicating frequent earthquakes. We prayed the Lord would bless the Taiwanese people, and especially protect them from being overrun from the Chinese mainland.
Patricia Chen's house near Taipei
Patricia's house is high in the hills on the way to Yamingshan National Park. She housed us for to nights in her beautiful bed & breakfast. She invites people here to help them gain breakthrough through intensive inner healing ministry.
Patricia Chen and her mother
We had the opportunity to pray for Patricia Chen's mother who was suffering from Parkinson's. While we did not see her healed of the illness, she received the peace of God, and was willing to receive the Lord Jesus into her heart. She was deeply grateful for her new-found peace, and was very helpful to Darlene and I for getting to our next location - Kaohsiung.
Yamingshan National Park
All around Yamingshan National Park, which overlooks Taipei, are monasteries devoted to various gods. From this location we were able to pray and declare the sovereignty of Jesus over all gods and that his name would one day rule over this mountain and all of Taiwan.
Fish Market at Fu-Chi
Patricia and Yonnie drove us to the northernmost section of Taiwan where we were able to pray. We also experienced a great treat. We picked out the live seafood we wanted, carried it to a local restaurant, which then prepared it for us to eat.
Animal science complex in Danshui
Danshui is where Europeans first landed near what became modern Taipei. Danshui is a university town, but it's also where most new things appear in Taiwan. And it's where evangelical Christianity has been taking root.
Kaohsiung religious procession
Near the Lotus Pond in Kaohsiung, we watched as this procession filed up the street, with drums pounded, horns blaring, and cymbals crashing. They were carrying the deity worshipped in the local temple. We prayed that, just as with the Philistines when they possessed the Ark of the Covenant, that the lack of power in Taiwanese folk deities would be replaced by the power and love of the one true God and his son Jesus Christ.
Randy Clark on screen at Kingdom Culture conference
This was an amazing conference. The speakers were Heidi Baker, Bill Johnson, Randy Clark and Philip Mantufo from Indonesia. Randy also invited a team of 60 from around the world to serve as his ministry team, and we were part of that team. So we prayed for people to heal sicknesses and to receive impartation throughout the conference.
Kaohsiung sports complex
At its fullest, the arena seats around 15,000. At one point, we prayed for people throughout the stadium - it was amazing as people shook, bounced, and fell all around the stadium. At other times, we were able to pray for the blind, deaf, lame, and deranged. On the last night, all 60 on the ministry team each gave one "word of knowledge" apiece, and as Randy released these words over the crowd, in less than a minute over 2,000 received healings, including some where metal disappeared from their bodies! This included one of the doctors who was there to examine people who said they were healed - he no longer could find evidence of pins in his leg.
Richard and Darlene and Jacquie with new friends
After the conference, Darlene and Richard and their new Australian friend Jacquie went to pray on Cijin Island, the oldest part of Kaohsiung. The Lord had told Richard he would meet a man who also wanted to pray there. When we were in line for the ferry, several men began to talk to us. Their leader, Tim Chen, said he had always wanted to pray there. They recognized us from the conference. He was the founder of an information technology consulting company, SkySource, which was Taiwanese but operated out of Australia. All of his employees came to the conference at his expense!
Man gives his life to Jesus
As we took the ferry to Cijin island, Richard and Tim got to know each other. When we got to the island, one of Tim's employees brought this man forward who had listened to us on the ferry. He had just read the Bible for the first time two days earlier, and hearing us talking, he wanted us to help him receive Jesus, which we were happy to do.
Afterwards we all went into a local seafood restaurant. It was Sunday so we shared the Word with each other, sang songs, and celebrated communion around the table. Then we ate! It was wonderful.

Hong Kong Airport
The Lord had one more surprise for us! The first leg of our return home to New Jersey was a short flight to Hong Kong. On that flight was a group of friends who had attended the conference together in Kaohsiung, and they recognized us from Randy Clark’s ministry team. They invited us to pray for them on the flight, and they even invited others on the plane to receive prayer. After we all got off around midnight in Hong Kong, we prayed for the entire group at one of the gates in the airport, and they received the Holy Spirit powerfully!