California Crossing Over 2007
Our prophetic prayer organization, which we have named the Special Services Division, comes together for strategic prayer journeys. We are members of various ministries in Texas, Louisiana, Missouri, Illinois, and New Jersey. Our previous journeys together were the River Flush USA, the Cumberland River, and a short journey to Nashville the two days prior to The Call. We feel we have been given an assignment to serve the Body of Christ in intercession on the waterways and the territories of this nation and the world, at the Lord’s direction.
This journey was initiated when leaders from the The Call (7/7/07), announced The Cause and God’s Summer of Real Love Tour, which was to culminate in San Francisco on August 11, 2007. We felt that we were to intersect with that tour and, in agreement with its purpose, release prayers throughout California to repent for the release of the past 40 years living according to the spirit of Baal, and to rededicate the land to following God’s Holy Spirit.
We felt that the New Age spirit was particularly strong along the California coast. Therefore our journey plan was to proceed up the southern California coast from the border with Mexico to San Francisco, cross over San Francisco Bay and then proceed up the Sacramento River through the state capital to the headwaters near Mount Shasta. After conducting our research, we included a trip just north of San Francisco along the Russian River to address the spirits behind Bohemian Grove in Monte Rio and the gay resorts in Guerneville.
We called this journey “Crossing Over,” for several reasons. On June 7, 2007, a day Chuck Pierce had prophesied would be “crossing over” day, 40 years after Israel took back Jerusalem, we had an encounter with the Lord on our own “crossing over” a dry lake bed on the Cumberland River, when we were approached by a young man named Benjamin. Our prayers and interactions with him revealed God’s sovereignty in leading a new generation to cross over into their own Promised Land.
For the last 40 years, strong delusions propagated from the coasts have been governing America. In this journey, we were now crossing over from the Heartland, releasing prophetic fire from the Heart to the Coast. We were crossing over to the “Crossing Over” state, as California was named by the Lord in the 50-State Tour of Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets.
Our journey in California was to cross over from south to north, and from the ocean to the river. We were to help California to cease traveling on a false “bridge over troubled waters” of humanism, occultism, and pantheism and “cross over” to the blood-covered worship of Jesus Christ. And the Lord promised us that we would be “crossing over” into a new level of authority and assignment as a result of this journey.
Our journey consisted of the following prayer stops:
San Diego, Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial Cross - we prayed here for our journey which was to begin the next day and were able to minister to a young man
San Diego Border Field Park - We prayed at the beach where it meets the border with Mexico. We prayed our entire journey would line up with God’s will.
Solana Beach (33rd Parallel) - We prayed in alignment with prayers that members of our team had released back home where Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas meet, near the 33rd Parallel. We also broke off the power of Freemasonry which contains 33 degrees from California
Encinitas, Self-Realization Fellowship Meditation Garden - This Eastern Meditation center founded by Swami Yogananda is representative of the spiritual orientation all along the West Coast especially in California. This is a powerfully deceptive “peaceful” location, beautifully landscaped. We prayed that the shallow peach found here would be displaced by the peace that Jesus brings which is beyond human understanding.
Santa Monica, Santa Monica Beach - In the evening we prayed at the St Monica statue breaking off religious and demonic spirits. An earthquake in the Spirit was perceived, and that night a physical earthquake was experienced at this location. The next morning one of us we prayed down at the beach and smashed a watch to set us free from the planning of man.
Venice Beach - We perceived her a vortex in the spirit that may explain the occult alignments that happen at this location, including Satan worship. James prayed at a jetty on the ocean to take authority over that vortex and release the goodness of God
Burbank, Johnny Carson Park (renamed Jesus Christ Park) - This beautiful park is surrounded by major studios, so we prayed here for the cleansing of the entertainment industry. Also, we witnessed a patient from an adjacent medical facility performed a gymnastics routine in front of us. As a result, we let go of our seriousness and relaxed and trusted the Lord.
Morrow Bay, Morrow Rock - Prayed at this volcanic rock formation that all idolatrous worship agreements would be removed
Big Sur, Esalen Institute - Prayed for the Human Potential movement celebrated at Esalen to be displaced by worship of the true God Jesus
Monterey, County Fairgrounds - The Monterey Pop Festival of 1967 was the first large public festival and it heralded the Summer of Love that introduced rebellion against God during the turbulent 60s. We repented for the turning away from God and invited for God to move on this generation and lead us back to him
Santa Cruz, University of California, Student Union - We prayed for revival on college campuses and for the healing of trauma for Vietnam veterans who gather in this area
San Francisco Golden Gate Park, Sharon Meadow - This was the original target for our journey. We joined many who traveled by bus from city to city repenting for the Summer of Love celebrated in 1967 which was a time of rebellion against God, instead celebrating a return to God in 2007 for the Summer of God’s Love.
Golden Gate Bridge - We walked across the bridge both ways praying against the spirit of death and suicide and blessing what many call the Western Gate of our nation
San Francisco Financial District - We prayed for godly men to raise up and guide the finances of our nation
Berkeley, University of California, Sather Gate - At a place still known for resistance to authority, we repented for the wild 60s and invited God to take possession of this icon of higher learning
San Francisco, North Beach, Washington Square - In this location of alternate life styles, we prayed for God to bring his will and ways to the people
Muir Woods, Cathedral Grove/Bohemian Grove - It was in this woods the United Nations was founded. Redwood groves are deeply worshipful places, and it was Sunday, so our team began to sing. All the others who were in the grove left with our worship. Next to this was Bohemian Grove which was dedicated to New Age worship, which we replaced with our worship. We experienced the presence of angels with this worship.
Muir Woods Ocean Overlook - This overlook provides spectacular views of the ocean. Here we prayed for the entire California coast north and south of here.
Bodega Bay - Alfred Hitchcock’s move, The Birds, was filmed here, and was the beginning of causing our modern minds to be increasing distrustful of the natural world. So we prayed here for a restoration of trust in the Lord in nature.
Jenner, Mouth of Russian River - We prayed here for the alternate lifestyle locations all along this river
Guerneville, Russian River, Bohemian Grove - Bohemian Grove was a secret society for the rich and famous and politically powerful, including ex-presidents. Their rituals were both secret and defiling and we prayed here for God to forgive and disband this organization
Collinsville, Mouth of Sacramento - We received permission from a home owner named Salvatore to pray on his property in Collinsville. Here we prayed blessings on all the land and people touched by the Sacramento River.
Sacramento, Confluence of Sacramento River and American River - We prayed here for the Lord to release “walking on water” type of faith
Red Bluff, William B Ide Adobe State Monument - In 1948, Ide was president of the California Republic until the U.S. declared war on Mexico, after which California became part of the U.S. until it was made a state. Ide was a Mormon and provided a false religious foundation for the state. We prayed here powerful prayers to release the false foundation for the state.
Redding, Bethel Church, House of Prayer - This was a location for our spiritual replenishment. Bethel Church had become a leading force for revival. At this beautiful house of prayer, we released beautiful prayers for our journey. We were able also to both pray for and receive prayer from students at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.
Mt Shasta, Mt Shasta City Park, Headwaters of the Sacramento River - Several people allowed us to pray for them in this park, including an older man who believed that several younger men wanted to beat him up because he was critical of them. Here we prayed for both the aging population and the disaffected youth in California
Mt Shasta, Upper Flanks of Mt Shasta - We released prayers over the state and this region from the highest points. Our journey had begun with a cross at Mt Soledad and ended here with a cross we constructed from wood planks that were found on the slope.
2007 California "Crossing Over" Journey Prayer Locations
San Diego Border Field State Park at the ocean
Yogananda Self-Realization Fellowship in Encinitas
Venice Beach California
Morrow Rock in Morrow Bay California
Hippie bus from Summer of God's Love Tour 2007 in Golden Gate Park San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco side
Sproul Plaza, University of California Berkeley - site of many protests
Muir Woods - Cathedral Grove
Russian River at Guerneville outside of Bohemian Club
Collinsville California - near mouth of the Sacramento River
House of Prayer - Bethel Church, Redding California
Headwaters of Sacramento River, Mt Shasta State Park