LandSakes Ministries is dedicated to preparing the lands of the earth to receive their king, the soon returning Lord Jesus Christ.  God created the earth for man to rule and reign with him.  However, through the deception and destruction of sin, the regions of the earth have become inhospitable both for God and man.  The land records every defilement that comes from sins – it cries out because of blood that is shed, promises that are broken, every turning away from God and worship offered to anything other than God.  At its worst, the land actually will dispel its inhabitants.

It is people who through sin ruin the home that God has given them.  Jesus however through his perfect life and death on the cross has provided the way to change the earth.  When we go to any place the Lord directs us on the earth, we have the capability to bring the atmosphere of heaven and to see the earth restored.  When we carry out his assignments in mission trips and prayer journeys, we reverse the curse of sin by 1) build an altar to the Lord through our worship of Him, 2) uproot the sin structures and strongholds by repenting for specific sins of the past 3) reconcile the earth and it’s people by celebrating our communion with him through the Lord’s Supper, 4) establish God’s rule and reign through prophetic declaration and prayer, 4) confirm this rule through kingdom action – mercy, witness, and healing.

Our Story

Richard and Darlene at an airport

Richard and Darlene Tittle, the leaders of this ministry, have been on this journey since 1998.  Both were fully dedicated to the Lord in 1976, and Darlene became an ordained Episcopal priest in 1981.  In 198, Richard had a dream where the Lord showed many different maps and then told them to move to St Louis.  In St Louis they joined a ministry called Mission Omega, which had the motto “To the ends of the earth before the end of time”.  They learned under the hands of Rolland and Carrie Smith about the responsibility of intercessors to legislate as the true government of the earth.  In the year 2000, they helped James Nesbit establish a new ministry called “Prepare the Way Ministries International”, which gathered and trained intercessors all over the nation and among the nations.

Under James Nesbit’s leadership and direction, Richard and Darlene began to help design and conduct prayer journeys to change the spiritual atmosphere over regions in the U.S.  James had already been doing this work for awhile, but their first major journey together was to the Great Lakes in 2006.  These journeys were noteworthy for being attended by signs and wonders that showed the Lord was with us.

Having moved to New Jersey in 2003 to take care of elderly family members, the Tittles continue to learn from James Nesbit, but also began leading their own journeys, the first one along the Musconetcong River in northern New Jersey in 2008.  They also joined the staff as pastors at Shore Vineyard Church in 2008.

In 2016, the Darlene and Richard moved to the Washington, D.C. area, where they pastored churches and continued to lead prayer journeys local, around the U.S., and in nations around the world.