Bolivia 2012
This was a mission trip of Shore Vineyard Church to two churches in Santa Cruz Bolivia - the Hope Vineyard and the Kingdom Vineyard. Our primary task was to train the two Vineyard churches in street prophetic ministry. We had a secondary goal to pray for the Hoffman family and for Judah Quy - the Home for Precious Little Ones - which Kristin Hoffman runs.
Our team of five consisted of Richard and Darlene Tittle (associate pastors at Shore Vineyard), Ann Dillon, Ria Mignano, and Sarah Kroeger. Our trip included ministry nights at each of the two churches, training the youth in Treasure Hunts, a two-day retreat with the two churches including training the adults in Treasure Hunts, and prayer trips both downtown and to the River Pirai outside Santa Cruz.
Retreat at Berea Bible Seminary
The seminary served as our home for two days as we trained and activated the combined two churches in listening to God, speaking prophetic words to others, and ministering to one another. We went out from here to conduct Treasure Hunts in areas near each church. The Hope Vineyard is more suburban and the Kingdom Vineyard is in the downtown area.
Treasure Hunt Downtown Santa Cruz
Treasure Hunts are conducted by teams praying for clues and then looking for people who satisfy the clues - these people are the treasures of God. We found a wide variety of people to pray for who met our clues in an area of arts and crafts in an outdoor plaza.
Judah Quy
The Home for Precious Little Ones was a long time vision of Kristin Hoffman, wife of Paul, who leads the Hope Vineyard. This is a ministry of light in a dark land. Children who otherwise would be discarded are nursed to health, so they can receive surgeries for cleft palates and other treatments, and then hopefully be adopted.
Madre India
On our prayer tour of Santa Cruz we stopped at the statue of Madre India, or Indian Mother. It represents the indigenous Indian people, which are a sizable portion of the Bolivian population and culture. There is much antagonism between the European-rooted culture that is primarily Catholic, and the Indian culture which has it's own animistic religion. Therefore, we prayed that the two would become one, and that while Indian culture would be valued, that Christ would be over all.
Arturo and Fabiola Vespa at River Pirai
We stopped at a location outside Santa Cruz to pray for the RIver Pirai that flows through Santa Cruz. This is a popular bathing spot. We repented for the sins of the city of Santa Cruz and asked that the city would fulfill its redemptive purpose. Arturo and Fabiola are pastors of the Kingdom Vineyard in downtown Santa Cruz.
Ann blowing shofar at River Pirai
At the conclusion of our prayers at the River Pirai outside Santa Cruz, Ann blew the shofar. There were hundreds of bathers, and many of them applauded and shouted at the blowing of the shofar to signify their approval. As we returned toward the car, Keli who had been with us on the Treasure Hunts, saw a woman in a wheelchair and felt that we should pray for her. Keli prayed powerfully and the woman was able to move her leg better than before. Praise God for his power and love!
Ann plus child